English folk club, 1967 Photo:
W E D N E S D A Y, 1 5 N O V
Had singing practice last period. Miss Whitehead was in a staggeringly good mood.
Whizzed over to lunch as had Prep just before. Martha was very loud and extraordinarily cheerful – it must be Robert’s influence.
Pam’s so pleased, Roger’s got a scholarship to University. He sounds awfully nice, Pam’s so lucky, but oh gosh, she happened to mention Talc Powder and immediately Jenny asked if Anya loves him!!! She seems to think that the first boy you meet you fall in love with. I don’t think she knows what love is. At the moment she’s ‘in love’ with three different boys, and today she went crazy for a boy on the bus. I think Peter Tork’s right when he says 13 is the most emotional age of all.
At 13 she seems to think that the first boy you meet you fall in love with. I don’t think she knows what love is. At the moment she’s ‘in love’ with three different boys, and today she went crazy for a boy on the bus. I think Peter Tork’s right when he says 13 is the most emotional age of all.
Got a bit worried about tonight. Changed into black corduroy skirt and new blouse, and wore hair at back in a bow (very French). Mummy took me, but we couldn’t find the school for ages and didn’t get there till 10 past 8. It was awful but it didn’t matter: several girls were still in the cloakroom. I found Pat and Pam, and sat next to them. Martha was on the other side, with Robert (he’s very wet). Anya and Talc Powder sat behind us. Anya was giggling all the way through and Talc kept making sploshy kissing sounds which quite put me off. Anya's taste has gone right downhill.
“How can Daddy say Dutronc is “a bit weedy” - he should see the specimens at Glyn.
Pam was horrified to see Talc, and Robert, and Anne’s new boyfriend Robin. I didn’t know such dead-beat people existed. The music was quite good. One chap did a lovely song he’d written himself, about this cat, ‘Delia II’! I was scared at Refreshments that a boy would start chatting, they were all so foul, but no one did.
Ma fetched me. She had to wait 20 minutes until 10.30 - so sweet of her.