When I liked him best - Antoine, pre moustache.
W E D N E S D A Y, 2 6 A P R I L
Took some lovely pink cherry blossom from the garden to school (as flower monitor!).
Anya heard that fab interview last night, right through to the end. She's even more affected by Michel Polnareff than I am: she dreamt about him all night. All day we tried to think of something we could send him, and then she had this marvellous idea - a crate of avocados!!! He loves them, but the trouble is, it'd cost masses and anyway, they'd be bad by the time they got there. So we might make a rag doll of him.
The weather was lovely and Chump bought me an ice lolly at dinner break, my first this year. Wrapper shown here.
When I got home I read all my 'Tout Tout Tout' on Polnareff. Oh he's so nice, he's my favourite singer by far. He's the most marvellous musician, his songs are really incredible, and he's half Russian. He speaks English fluently, which is good - we can write our letter in English and send it with the doll.
“Why are all the lovely pop stars French and the English such a lot of dumps? ”
In the evening I heard this wonderful interview with Antoine - I don't know if I like him better than Michel! People kept on ringing him up and asking him questions - on his moustache, his studies, what he thinks of Jacques Brel - etc. Oh he sounded so nice - intelligent, kind, and humorous. His laugh was lovely.
What I so like about them both is their frankness, and their disgust with hypocracy and insincerity.
The saved wrapper