T H U R S D A Y, 2 3 F E B
Current Events was on the Common Market again. The thing is, we're bound to have a United Europe one day; we'll probably have to wait 30 years.
Now comes a bit of my Diary I adore writing - it's about Finkelstein. (Last night I actually cried - I can't believe I'll never see him again. I'm crying now.) Going home on the bus Jenny told me all these new things she's found out especially for me. I've never learnt so many things about him all in one day before. She said:
(1) her mother's friend, Mrs Walker, was his landlady, and every two hours he had to eat cheese and apples because of an illness. I was speechless.
(2) He wrote a letter to the Prime Minister supporting Ban the Bomb. That was probably after he saw The War Game. He's just like me: when he feels desperately strongly about something he writes up about it.
(3) He went to Cambridge not Oxford. (I'm miserable about this. I just cannot imagine him at Cambridge.)
(4) When he took the place of someone who was away in the Senior Orchestra and Miss Barker criticised their playing, he used to turn round and grin at them. If he did that to me I'd drop my violin.
(5) Whenever he held a piece of chalk he held it like a cigarette between his fingers.
He had such an affect on me I'll never forget him. Love is blind I know, but who could not help love him? (Some people don't, but I think that's only because he wasn't a very good teacher.)
““Girl from U.N.C.L.E. jolly good, as usual.””
The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. was an un-feminist spin-off from NBC’s secret-agent series, The Man from U.N.C.L.E. April Dancer’s martial arts prowess was limited to exploding charm bracelets and a perfume atomiser. Not that anyone was particularly bothered by feminism at the time, but the BBC's version of a Sixties' female spy, Emma Peel in the Avengers, was assertive and enticing - and played by Diana Rigg (who I get to meet three months later).