'Robin Tree' greetings card by Jutta Werner for Gallery Five
T U E S D A Y, 9 M A Y
Woke up to sun. Went for a walk round the big garden with Pa and Chump before school.
After Prayers Miss Lack told us all how concerned she is that none of us ever gets involved in evening events - it's selfish not to. So the Judo poster has come down. We talked about it in R.I. - Owl says she sees Miss Lack's point of view but doesn't see what can be done. It costs people masses to come, and most parents aren't interested enough to bother. It really is the most awful problem.
Had the most annoying lesson in Pottery. I got my dome nicely shaped, then Birdy and I mixed the plaster of Paris with a bucket of water, and poured it in. No leakages, everything was fine. But then – catastrophe!!! Before I knew it, water was pouring out, spraying me, flooding the floor!!! For the rest of the lesson and 20 minutes of the dinner break I was on my knees mopping it up and the awful thing was, the plaster of Paris stuck to the floor so you had to scrape it off.
“The sponge was ruined and it got stuck to the pail – oh it was murder.”
Ruth and Claire helped me which was terribly nice of them but we had to make the plaster of Paris as dilute as possible. There was buckets and buckets of it to mop up.
After school Anya and me went shopping. Went straight to Originale for Tig's presents: I got her a super wooden elasticy blue and green bracelet, and Anya got her an enamel mug. Got cards at Annettes - the ones I love from Gallery Five.
I had ghastly pains all day - worrying about them is worse than the pains themselves. Took a Codene - it didn't make much difference.
Finel enamelware from Finland