F R I D A Y, 2 8 A P R I L
Anya and me sat at the back in the extra line in Prayers, next to Boiled Lobster!!! Heavens, my ear drums were blown out. On the Alleluya chorus, where she knows the words, she thrusts her hands onto the chair at the front, raises her head to the heavens, and shrieks her head off.
I had a funny sort of feeling on the left side of my throat today. I think it's my wisdom tooth, but it could be mumps.
Going home I saw three boys who looked like Dutronc. One got off the 406 as we were about to get on, one was on the 406 (blue blazer, suntan, incredibly tall), and the third was as we were walking from the 406 to the little bus. The last one looked at me like mad.
'Rave' was there when I got home.
“And there on the letters page was the most staggering letter...”
Someone has complained about English people not listening to French, German and Italian stations. "Why are there never any records by brilliant people like Michel Polnareff and Jacques Dutronc in our charts?" Crikey, I practically jumped in my seat for joy. I was so inspired I charged up to my room and began on a letter straightaway, to Rave. I did it on a large sheet of grey paper, put some Union Jacks and French flags on it, and signed myself "Judy, on behalf of the Fifth Year" (so IF it gets printed nobody’ll know it’s me).
Listened to Salut les Copains. They have this Hit Parade where people ring up to vote for their favourite song and every five minutes they announce the results. In the end 'J’aime Les Filles' was no. 1 and ‘Juste Quelques Flocons’ no. 4!
I’m so glad Antoine's getting more popular.