A youthful Daddy, 44, with Chump, 12, and Ingrid, 16
F R I D A Y, 4 A U G
As usual, Chump and me went to get the baguettes.
All went to Paloma. After a dip us two hired a pedalo – four francs. We went quite far out. Then we heard this chap call out “doucement”. He swam up to us, sat ON the pedalo, and started chatting. He was Italian. Then he asked me whether I was going out tonight so I told a whopping lie (in French) and said I was going to a restaurant. Then he said, “what are you (tu) doing other nights?” I got desperate, so I told him we were leaving tomorrow.
“Heavens, such a relief. I just couldn’t have beared to go out with him.”
He was quite a snazz – but not my kind of snazz. Now I think of it, Dutronc was really rather fab, I mean, I liked him all along, from my first look to my last. Even when he started talking to me I liked him - though I was completely unnerved at the thought of going out with him. It's such a pity I’m like this. It all comes down to not bearing boys kissing me. I coldn’t stop thinking of the wretched boy for quite a time. I’m beginning to wonder if I’ll ever get married.
After lunch I read Cider with Rosie. It’s lovely.
After tea, changed into my dolly-rocker and we went to the zoo. It's free if you don’t take a camera in. There are some fab birds there, and the most beautiful deer. We saw a chimpanzee act, like you get in circuses; it was amusing but rather pathetic, using the poor animals to dress up. On the way back, near the Rothschild's villa, we had another incident. Chump and me were ahead of Ma and Pa, just crossing the road, when two boys said, “which way d’you want to go?” When they found out we were going to St Jean they offered us a lift. It made me annoyed and miserable, I don’t know why - they were just the sort of nice-enough types like the boy this morning. I hate boys being over-friendly because I’m actually frightened of being asked out. I know only too well that most boys want a girl so they can have her to make love to. I'd like a boy who'd treat me just as a friend.
I'm absolutely convinced I'd only marry someone English now.
Had supper inside. Felt so sorry for myself I nearly cried. Had coffee on the terrace; I cheered up then as we had a nice chat about what buildings we like. Daddy is still trying to think of a brainwave for the Town Hall. Then suddenly, out of the darkness, a small voice said “hello”… it was Eileen! We didn’t expect them to come till tomorrow! We sat on the terrace till 11, drinking wine. Were shown the photos of the wedding and learnt some fantastic news: Diana and Duncan will be living in Knightsbridge – near the Knightsbridge Hotel!!!