'The Silver Box' by John Galsworthy: "Our seats were second row from the front!"
T H U R S D A Y, 1 2 O C T O B E R
Wore kilt and navy polo-neck.
About half past 10 I got the most dreadful periodic pains. I ached all over, especially in my legs (perhaps I had a bit of flu too). I felt awful in German. Room 'M' was terribly cold so I was shivering, sometimes I felt feverish. At break Lucy and me went to the staff room and I asked Mrs Bow if I could go home. I even felt too awful to ring up Ma. So Lucy did it for me and I went up to the Sick Bay. Lay on top bunk because bottom one occupied - I felt dreadful. Lucy came to say she couldn’t get through to Ma. Then two other girls came into the Sick Bay - poor things had no bunk to lie on. About 12.30 I decided I felt well enough to ring Mummy but I was so dizzy I could hardly walk down the stairs. She wasn’t in. Honestly, I’m so miserable - I can’t go on feeling like this every time I have a period.
Everybody asked me how I was at dinner break which was very nice. I chatted with Lucy about these crummy Glyn boys who came today at break; glad I’m not going to the dance now! Though Lucy and me know appearances shouldn’t make a difference, we’ve come to the conclusion that what a boy looks like does matter. At our age, you’re meant to enjoy boyfriends. But I couldn’t enjoy being with a weed.
“As it is, weeds are very often weeds inside as well as out. A lot of a person’s character shows in their face and their hairstyle.
Deborah and Jill were on the bus going home, we chatted a bit about universities. It’s typical of Jill’s dead-beat, middle-class parents not to encourage her, but Debby is bringing Jill round to the idea that universities are worth it.
Changed into new dress and dark blue shoes, and about 6.30 we left for Leatherhead. For once I had my hair loose, behind my ears (but it's troublesome). Dinner was prawn cocktail; pork; apricot gateau. Then The Silver Box by John Galsworthy began, and our seats were second row from the front! There were three scenes, all wonderful: the Barthwicks’ dining room (when the curtains drew back, the sunlight streamed in); the Jones’ lodgings, which were utterly depressing; and the sparse, unfriendly Court. Every single actor was very very good, especially Mrs Jones, the long-suffering wife of an unemployed drunkard (she was played by Sonia Graham who we've seen here before.) The play shows just how incredibly beastly the middle-classes were.
Honestly, Leatherhead is marvellous. We’ve all decided we’re going to see every single play that comes on in the future.
“The Leatherhead Rep”
"The Leatherhead Theatre company was formed in 1951 by the indefatigable Hazel Vincent Wallace and became the home of what had once been the Ace Cinema in the High Street, an odd looking building, like an elongated nissen hut but full of character." Clive Francis (played Jack Bathwick)