King's Quay Creek
M O N D A Y, 2 9 M A Y
Got woken up about 5.30 by this ghastly old bod next door. He had his transistor on in the cockpit - what's the matter with these people? Everybody on the next three trots could hear him. When he finally left, at 6am, we all started cursing him! I didn’t of course because I was still in bed.
I tried to do my French compo but couldn't think of anything to write so drew a picture of Dutronc in my rough book instead. I've now worked out how his hair goes.
Then we left, and Daddy got ridiculously cross with Mummy because she didn't release the rope at his end. He went on about it for a good half hour. It spoils everything, it's the one thing that wrecks sailing. Then we had this super 'race' with two other boats, and in the end managed to beat them. I was on the jib and I've never worked so hard before in all my life. After that we had the most fab sail to Osborne Hard near King's Quay Creek where we moored and had lunch and I sunbathed. If it hadn't been so windy, the weather today would have been scorching. Then we left. Saw some dolphins, they came terribly near the boat!
“Went to the Stores and got chicken curry and an ice cream called Peach Delight. ”
It was delicious. About 9.45 we left. Got in the car – Whiter Shade of Pale was on, and from then to 10.30 there was the most beautiful interview on French radio with the singer of Procol Harum. He spoke quite a bit of French and has the most breathless, husky voice. He's so sweet, Chump's mad on him! The good thing is, he's English; at last we have someone as marvellous as the American soul singers. At first I thought he was Percy Sledge, and two people rang to enquire whether he was black, because of his voice, and whether 'When a Man Loves a Woman' had influenced him. His name is Gary Boaker or something. He wrote the music, and Keith Reid (whose cat is called Procol Harum) wrote the words. It's his 22nd birthday today and lots of people wished him a happy birthday - four people actually spoke in English. One girl rang up and asked him what he thought of "les filles" so Hubert said, "what d'you think of birds?"!!! This sent him (Hubert) into fits. I'm so glad the song has been such a hit, it's No. 1 on S.L.C and I shouldn't be surprised if it's in the Top 5 in England next week.
I felt so happy listening to that interview. It was the perfect ending to this Whitsun.
Gary Brooker today, still sounding like Percy Sledge.