F R I D A Y, 1 4 A P R I L
To think this day three weeks ago I didn't know Dutronc existed. Last night I dreamt he danced with me.
Ma left early for the chiropodist and us two filled the sitting room with daffodils. I can't stop singing 'J'aime le Filles' - I love it now. So does Chump! We played it so loud we could hear it above the hoover.
Then June came at 12. Ma and she had a drink, Pa came, and we had lunch out on the terrace. Wonderful weather. We had bread and cheese, and talked about Lech - the weather turned lovely the day we left. Suddenly, June found she was out of cigarettes and she actually had to go and buy some in the village. It must be awful when smoking becomes an obsession - rather like taking drugs. I sat out all afternoon, and sort of did German adjectives.
The draft for the 'Country Life' advertisement (for next door) came today, it's going to cost £90! [£1,588 today.] I wouldn't have thought it was worth it.
After supper Chump and me got 60 photos ready for a slide show. We chose them of skiing (1960), Talloires (1963), Sils Maria (1964), Norway (1959), Eze (1966), Woolacombe (1958), and the rather rainy Lake District (1959). It was super fun seeing them again.
Fevik, Norway, 1959