W E D N E S D A Y, 2 8 J U N E
Got up very late - no school, no exams. I read a lot of my Diary for this year, and found I’m not so interested in Dutronc I used to be.
June, Jill and Rachel Holloway came to play tennis with Ma – I watched them. They never stopped screeching the whole way through! Later Ma played with me, but I did so badly. I felt so exasperated I could have cried. I’m so out of practice I get worn out. Saw some Wimbledon – Anne Jones had a tough match with Mrs Graebner, but won in the end.
Chump brought Anya’s new 'Mademoiselle Age Tendre' home from school. It’s got ‘Ma Meilleure Amie’ by Polnareff in it - she’s Zouzou! There are the most adorable pictures of him running down a path in a wood holding her hand. Oh she’s so lucky. And he’s so adorable in the article: he said when he first saw her he took off his glasses “discretement” to get a better look!!!
Later Dad showed us all the details about the Amsterdam Town Hall competition. Sometime soon he’s going to go over there and get the Niftriks to take him round. He says I can go too! After supper (merangues and cream with strawberries) we had a slide show of Chump’s and my latest photos. Mine are all out of focus.
Dutch Grandma and Grandpa with Chump in the dining room at Meares