Chichester Marina
S U N D A Y, 2 3 J U L Y
Woken up in the night by the rain. It hammered down and made such a racket I couldn’t go back to sleep. However, it turned out to be the most glorious day.
We had a lovely sail back to the Marina. I helmed and had remote control of the radio – you hold the wire ends of the aerial to get good reception, and then let go when you don’t want it!
When we were safely back, Pa, Chump and me went to the Stores to ask Moustachy to put our carton of wine in the deep freeze, to cool it for tonight. As he was pondering about it, the fair one came up and whipped it out of my hands! After tea, Ma sent Chump and me along to get a carton of everlasting milk (our fifth journey this weekend). Chump got a penny chew and then she said, “can I have some Treets too?” “Is she feeling peckish or something,” said Moustachy! Left feeling rather happy, he’s so nice to me.
At six the Goldmans arrived – with Mrs G and David too. The first thing that struck me is what a snazz Mark is. He gave me a super smile. We sat in the cockpit, with peanuts, Chipples and the wine out of the container.
“Mark looks awfully like Michael Crawford, only his hair is fairer and he’s got the bluest eyes. ”
He was wearing pale blue jeans, blue canvas boots, blue jumper, and a striped school scarf. Pretty fab, he’s got a marvellous figure. He’s not as tall or as thin as Dutronc though. I didn’t dare look at him much, but we exchanged a few words and smiles. He gets his results on Aug 20th. He seems older than when we saw him last, also gayer. I know he likes me but he must have millions of girlfriends, all more sophisticated and not so shy as me. The time flew, until suddenly, at 7.45, they were going. Standing next to me Mark is quite a bit taller; I forgot to see whether he’s taller than Daddy, but I think he must be.
We all walked along the pontoon thing to the car. Just before he got in, he (Mark) looked at me, said “cheerio”, and smiled. Everything seemed flat after they’d gone.
Driving home we stopped off at Great Grooms but the weedy place was shut. So we pinned our hopes on The Old School House in Ockley. We were too late for the dining room, but had chicken and ham toasted sandwiches at the bar.
After Mark and the chap at the Stores being so nice to me I feel more than ever I want a boy. I never realised before how nice men are. I think the nice ones are absolutely wonderful.
I don’t feel like going to France on Thursday.
Old School House, Ockley