"So glad we decided to have it in the evening. Honestly, it was fantastic."
M O N D A Y, 2 5 D E C E M B E R
Couldn’t get to sleep for ages – worrying about being awake when Ma put my stocking on the end of my bed. In the end, she did it at 4 o’clock. I was still awake. The reason was, Chump was making a row stuffing our socks for them!!! We nearly died when we found out later, in fact the tears were streaming down my face.
She was terribly impatient to open the presents and we started about 11. Honestly, I got the most marvellous things. The ring, a big pale bluey-green stone set in silver, is super, and the underwear set is a glorious bluey-green. Completely unexpected was a black cloak with an emerald green lining (!) and a marvellous book on art, a complete encyclopedia. Ma is thrilled with the mats - it’s been worth spending the whole term on them - and Daddy likes the ash-tray, but agrees I should fire it again. Went up and played my Otis Redding LP. I adore ‘Tramp’.
About 12, Stoke grandparents came. Chump and me got a super colourful towel each. Had Danish open sandwiches for lunch, then went for a walk in our cloaks in the spitting rain (Chump’s has a red lining). Got back for a tea by the fire with not a single light on, just the candles of the cake.
“The crackers from Fortnum’s were fantastic! ”
I got a gold and pearly brooch, Chump got a tool kit, and Grandpa got a penknife that can also be a bottle opener. Lay by the fire and played our French LPs.
I wore my pink bloomy dress and new shoes specially for Christmas dinner. So glad we decided to have it in the evening. Honestly, it was fantastic, and for once we carved the turkey at the table. Glorious juicy turkey, and Ma got her Christmas pudding alight, blue flames flickering all around. While everybody else cleared the table (we’d laid it) us two danced to I Am The Walrus.
I am a bit concerned about my figure, I’m sure I’m fatter than I was this summer. I couldn't bear it if I suddenly find I can't look good in a bikini. I shall have to do more exercise.
As featured on the Beatles' The Magical Mystery Tour, broadcast on Boxing Day, 1967