T U E S D A Y, 1 7 J A N
At 9.30 Maths exam began. It was awful. It’s so obvious I’ve failed.
I got a starred excellent for my Greek architecture project!!! Miss Kavanagh said a strange thing: she had no idea that I was so neat, she thought I was the messy kind. (Teachers always get me wrong.)
At 6.15 we left for Leatherhead Theatre. Felt good in my kilt and new cardy but my fringe looked anaemic. I love having supper there, with all the actors hanging around.
One girl was wearing a skirt about 9” above her knee, which Daddy took to.
“He loves mini skirts now, surprise of surprises”
At 7.30 the pantomime began, The Queen of Hearts. It was marvellous! When they asked the children up to sing they had a competition between those on the left and those on the right, and at the end the Queen, in her deep voice, said: “Well, that was a DRAAAW...... And that’s not the first time we’ve had one, I can tell you”!
It was so lovely it makes me most miserable to think of all the people I know who haven’t seen it, and won’t see it. I don’t think Anya's ever seen a play in her life. Personally I think that’s a weakness of the parents.
“Mary Quant”
Mary Quant, inspired by Courrèges' 1964 designs, named the short skirt after her favourite make of car, and made it even shorter for her boutique Bazaar.
Seems we were turning up hems all through 1967. It was hard to keep up.