S A T U R D A Y, 1 4 J A N
Heard Hugues Aufray's beautiful sad song again. It's called 'Il Faut Ranger Ta Poupee.'
I revised Geog all day, not stopping once except for meals.
There was a mouse in the larder and we couldn't get it out - it was so funny!
The crocuses in my room are now flowering, they’re purple and look lovely.
Oh gosh, nothing more to say - what an uneventful day.
““A gathering of the tribes” ”
In sympathy with the anti-Vietnam War protests that were sweeping across Californian campuses, a Human Be-In congregated on 14 January in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco.
High on a "strange new drug" LSD, a host of poets, mystics and musicians took to the stage, as Timothy Leary (ex Harvard professor) described his views on divinity, Eastern philosophy, peace, love and LSD. He gave the event its focus, and gave the impending Summer of Love its mantra: “turn on, tune in, drop out.”
On this momentous day Ingrid was revising Geog.