Mickey: Top left
T U E S D A Y, 1 0 J A N
Back to school. It was a pretty ghastly day - Anya was away and we had some awful lessons. The building work doesn't seem to have progressed much since last term; I don't know how they're ever going to finish it by January.
Had Pottery, it was jolly good. We wedged the clay, then rolled it out with a rolling-pin, and cut it into four rectangular shapes plus a base. Went up to the Library at dinner break and hardly did a thing except watch Lucy do her History Project (she still hasn’t finished it).
Lucy saw 'The Monkees' too - but hates Mickey!
I rang up Anya when home and had a very long chat. I’m so utterly thrilled, tomorrow she’s going to bring in the December copies of ‘Salut les Copains’ and also ‘Mademoiselle Age Tendre’!!!
Quite a lot of homework. Rather sickening especially as mock 'O' Level tomorrow.
Had a sherry to stop me quivering in the evening. It worked.