T H U R S D A Y, 1 9 J A N
At 9.30 Geog began – the RUSH – half an hour for each question, I got in such a flap.
In Rave there's this thing you fill in – “Fantastic Rave Offer: Boyfriends by Computer” - and within a fortnight you're found a boyfriend with similar interests. All by computer!
Terribly corny I know, but Anya and me are going to invent a gruesome girl who likes James Bond and people like that, and we'll write to the boy we're sent and have terrific fun making this girl out to be an awful sex bomb - I can’t wait to see who they find!!
Saw T.O.T.P. - the Monkees are No. 1 with 'I'm a Believer' - so ghastly Tom Jones has GONE!!!